4 .0 ( 1 )

Colors Runners

Colors Runners is an interesting game that offers a lot of fun and excitement that you can't miss! This game includes a race where you have to swipe and run to the finish line to collect friends of the same color. But remember, you must manage to walk on the same path as the color of your body, otherwise you will be bumped and fail.Colors Runners offers an addictive experience that combines speed, reflexes and strategy Decoupled. Be careful when switching between colors and use your skills to move Decently in the fastest and most accurate way.This game offers an adventure full of challenges that increase with each level. Overcome obstacles with your quick reactions and compete to get the highest scores. At each level, you will face new challenges and test your skills to improve your strategy.

Are you ready? Challenge the Colors Runners and become the best runner in the colorful world!

Have Fun!

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