War Brokers

War Brokers

Warbrokers.io is a free iogame. Welcome to the deadly world of WarBrokers.io In this game, you will be pitted against a whole arena full of other players from around the world who are dead set on picking up arms and destroying you. But it won't just be guns, knives, or rocket launchers. In Waarbrokers.io you can also hop in a tank, a jeep, a jet plane, a helicopter, and other kinds of deadly vehicles. 

Have Fun !

Game Controls


W - Forward

S - Backwards

A - Left Strafe

D - Right Strafe

C - Crouch Toggle

SPACE - Jump. After your first jump you can jump two more times off of a vertical surface to climb to higher areas. Look for objects you can jump onto that allow you reach higher areas.

LEFT CTRL - Toggles continuous run

F - Enter/Exit Vehicle. Pick Up/Drop Package. Raise/Lower Missiles. (A message will display saying Press F when you are close enough.)


Weapons are selected by pressing a number.

Press M for the Main Menu, where you set primary and secondary weapons.

In the Settings menu, chose Quick Help to show your weapons loadout during the game.

1 - Primary

2 - Secondary

3 - Pistol

4 - Knife

5 - Grenade. Toggles between explosives and smoke grenades.

6 - BGM

7 - Air Strike

R - Reload

LEFT Mouse Button - Fire

RIGHT Mouse Button - Zoom weapon

SHIFT - Hold breath to steady your scope while it is zoomed.


M - Main menu. Here select your primary and secondary weapons, customize your character and vehicles, turn on/off graphics options (In Settings), view missions and open crates.

- - Minimap zooms in.

+ - Minimap zooms out.

N - Shows the whole map from a top down view.

0 - The zero key on the top of the keyboard will toggle the Frame Per Second (FPS) display.

RIGHT SHIFT & 9 - Toggles weapons on/off screen for taking screenshots.

RIGHT SHIFT & 8 - Toggles HUD on/off screen for taking screenshots.


Move side to side as you drop to make yourself more difficult target for your opponent.

The Default Spawn option will immediately spawn you on the ground within the area of your spawn zone. The benefit is you will be

invulnerable for 10 seconds.

A player's healthbar color is purple while in an invulnerable state.

W - Glide forward at a medium speed while dropping.

S - Slows you down and drops you fast in one spot.

A - Strafes you left.

D - Strafes you right.

Mouse - Use your mouse to control your turn.


W - Climb

A - Rotate Left (Yaw left)

S - Descend

D - Rotate Right (Yaw right)

C - Toggle third and first person views

Q - Launch 1 flare to help avoid being hit by a homing missile. Reloading time is 45 seconds, and you have 3 flares.

Mouse Up - Pitch nose up. (Can invert this in the settings.)

Mouse Down - Pitch nose down. (Can invert this in Settings)

Mouse Left - Roll helicopter to the left

Mouse Right - Roll helicopter to the right

Mouse Left Click - Fires Missiles/Machine gun

Mouse right Click - Hold to zoom


W- Increase Speed

S - Decrease Speed

A - Rotate Left (Yaw left)

D - Rotate Right (Yaw right)

C - Toggle third and first person views

Q - Flares. Launch flares to help you avoid being hit by a homing missile. You have three flares. Reloading time is 45 seconds.

R - Reload weapons

Mouse Forward - Pitch nose down. (Can invert this in Settings.)

Mouse Back - Pitch nose up. (Can invert this in Settings.)

Mouse Left - Roll jet to left.

Mouse Right - Roll jet to right.

Mouse Left Click - Fires the selected Missiles/Rockets/Gun

1 - Air to ground rockets.

2 - Air to air homing missiles. Aim at target and fire when a lock is acquired.

3 - 20mm cannon.